Indoor Arena Design Survey Part 3: Back of House

This is a continuation of Part 2 of the three-part series on performing a design survey for an indoor arena. This will be a short section as it is mostly a checklist of items to keep an eye out for. The “back of house” areas can get a little fuzzy and the areas needing coverage…

Indoor Arena Design Survey Part 2: The Concourse

This is a continuation of Part 1 in a 3 part series on doing a design survey for an indoor arena. This part covers designing for the concourse. The concourse has two main areas of concern: general public and ticketing. Both present unique challenges and things to look out for. Ticketing Ticketing areas are definitely the most…

Indoor Arena Design Survey – Part 1: The Bowl

This post should be used as a quick reference for anyone needing to do a design and site survey for an indoor arena. This was written for WLAN engineers that already have experience in designing and implementing WiFi. This is part 1 of 3 for performing a design focused site survey on an arena. The…