RF Survey Checklist

I have been working on a project where we have to do surveys remotely with an on-site technician doing the actual surveying. They then send the survey file to one of our remote WLAN engineers and they review the file, make changes to the network, and then have the technician do another pass. They repeat…

Using netsh WLAN show interfaces to Monitor Association/Roaming

In April, John Cosgrove (@rtr_man) posted the following way to monitor your WLAN association statistics that I have been using and playing with since: Once you paste from :loop to goto loop into notepad and save as a .bat file, you will see this little icon: Double-click that and it will open up your command…

Aruba: How to Remotely Wipe and Reconfigure an Aruba Controller

I’ve recently been on a project that required me to be able to remotely wipe and reconfigure an Aruba controller without having console access. I have yet to run into this before and had to do some playing around to make it work. I tried making a config file in Notepad and saving it as…

The Consultant

I had a really refreshing conversation with my new boss the other day on the role of a consultant. It was refreshing because we both seemed to agree on what a consultant does and the types of skills they possess. A good consultant has a much broader set of tools than most people think. Here…

The Term “Survey”: Thoughts from a WiFi + Non-WiFi VAR Engineer

The dictionary defines survey as “examine and record the area and features of (an area of land) so as to construct a map, plan, or description”. Some WiFi engineers have monopolized the word “survey” to mean performing a RF survey (with something like Ekahau, AirMagnet, etc). I have always used the word “survey” to mean…

Indoor Arena Design Survey Part 3: Back of House

This is a continuation of Part 2 of the three-part series on performing a design survey for an indoor arena. This will be a short section as it is mostly a checklist of items to keep an eye out for. The “back of house” areas can get a little fuzzy and the areas needing coverage…

Indoor Arena Design Survey Part 2: The Concourse

This is a continuation of Part 1 in a 3 part series on doing a design survey for an indoor arena. This part covers designing for the concourse. The concourse has two main areas of concern: general public and ticketing. Both present unique challenges and things to look out for. Ticketing Ticketing areas are definitely the most…

Indoor Arena Design Survey – Part 1: The Bowl

This post should be used as a quick reference for anyone needing to do a design and site survey for an indoor arena. This was written for WLAN engineers that already have experience in designing and implementing WiFi. This is part 1 of 3 for performing a design focused site survey on an arena. The…

Aruba AP-270 series mesh AP unable to form uplink

Problem: AP-270 (had this happen on a 274 and a 275) does not join the controller. I saw this on both a Mesh Portal and Mesh Point. After verifying proper power, consoling into the ap showed the following logs at the end of the boot cycle: ~ # [   40.013529] wl0: set MESH_ID(mesh-secshack, 13) [  …